Blog Posts

1st 10 Words When You Witness [18 choices]

2 Calvinists’ anxiety, MacArthur & Sproul

2 Kinds of Repentance

3 Nice Things About Eternal Security

7-Days-in-a-Row Club (2 certificates)

7 Letters to 7 Churches

7 Wonders , Ancient World

9 Hallmarks of Longterm Faithfulness

9 More NT Apostles, 8 Prophets, 5 Prophetesses

9 Reminders for Pastors

9 signs – “that ye may believe,” John 20.31

10 Commandments

10 Divisions of Theology

10 Presuppositions for Interpretation

11 Ingredients in Prayer: Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?

10 Kinds of People in Our Churches

12 Canaanite Idols

12 Ways to Read Thru the Bible

14 Rebukes in I Corinthians: Paul gives no encouragement to leave the church

20 Principles of Bible Study (hermeneutics)

25 Genes Evolution Can’t Explain

26+ Traveling Companions, Paul

28 Themes in Proverbs

30 Events in the OT

30 Doxologies of the Early Church

30+ Useful Items Found in Church Bulletins

37 Ingredients in Abrahamic Covenant

41 Bible book studies

50 Damnable Sins

65 Names & Descriptions of God in The Revelation

69 Irreversible Changes at Salvation

90 Days Through the Bible, 4535 paragraphs

99 Bible Studies & tips

100 Day Whole Bible Review

117 verses to memorize

200 Synonyms for Salvation

220 X, Belief or Faith…saves!

400 Often Quoted Verses

ABC memory verses, pre-school

Abrahamic Covenant, 37 Ingredients

Acts 13.48: Is “believe” active or passive (or middle)?

Acts, prayer mentioned 22X

Adam told John: (progressive revelation) a printable lesson

Acts 1.8: 25 observations

Acts, 12 individuals, 20+ groups saved

Age of Accountability

Angels’ Jobs

Anger in Proverbs & 11 practical helps

Ark of the Covenant’s Movements

Calvinism & Corporate Election (finding common ground)

Calvin’s Imprecise Use of Scripture: mostly context, 50 Scriptures

Christophanies & Theophanies: Jesus’ appearances in the OT

Church Roots by Date of Origin

Circumcision of Timothy & 2 Other Sins

Complaining: one of the worst sins on God’s list

Corporate Election [not Calvinism, not Arminianism]

Creation, 6 days: a simple diagram for teaching

Crowns & Rewards

Diaspora: 1st century dispersion of the Jews (a map)

Dispensationalism in 4 Bullet Points

Doc’s Discovery Books, Family Style, Matt-Acts

Doc’s Discovery Books, Family Style, Rom-Rev


Elder, Please Step Down, Now

Elbow to Elbow: Bible reading with your kids one-on-one

Eternal or Conditional Security? part 1

Eternal or Conditional Security? part 2

Evil Women in Proverbs: teaching guys to spot them

Family Worship book, 141 ideas

Favorite Bible Verses [well, some of them]

Fitness at 75

Fitness Regimen for Muscle Tone: 3 months-a-year

God’s Library, 66 books

God’s Two Favorite Words for Salvation

Good Thursday?

Heaven Test, printable salvation tract

Heaven Test, kids’

Heaven Test – Muslim

Heaven Test, Spanish

Hebrews’ 5 (or 7) Warnings for you & me, today!

Hebrews 5 or 7 Warnings & 11 Cautions or Reminders

Hebrews, Jesus compared to 17 things

HEDGE: 300 ways to pray for a friend

Holy Spirit’s 35 Ministries

If Christians Only Knew Why Their Friends Won’t Listen

I QUIT! How to Find God’s Will: a Bible study

Israel superimposed on Florida & New Jersey

Jacob’s Kids, a conundrum

Jews First, 9X, then. . .

Josephus & the Bible: an intro

Kindness Can Heal Your Marriage

Kingdom of Heaven is Not Heaven

Keeping Kings & Prophets Straight

Lamb’s Book of Life, all 8 verses

Laying on Hands

Lots of Good Works!

Love God, Love Your Neighbor, 600 NT Ways

Lure of Legalism: danger of drifting

Map, 5 Counties of Jesus’ Day

Map of Prophets’ Ministries

Melchizedek: Jesus? or Gentile king?

Money, how to preach exegetically, 4 NT passages, 35 verses

Muslim Beliefs (48X) Taken from the Bible

Muslim friendly Heaven Test, Gospel tract

Muslims & Jesus, for my Muslim friends

Muslim “Scales” & the Christian scales compared

(Muslim) Hasib, here’s where we already agree

Muslim Beliefs (48X) Taken from the Bible

Mysteries in the NT

Nehemiah’s 12 Prayers

New Nature & Old Nature: Why do Christians still sin?

Next 6 Books to Read

Not-of-Works Passage: the most powerful cluster of verses in the Bible

“Obey the Gospel” does not include works

Once saved. Always saved?

OT quoted in the NT 351X, a list

Pastor’s Duties

Paul’s authorship of Hebrews: 23 reasons

Paul’s Church Plants & 20 more 1st century church plants

Paul, did he make it to Spain? 5 say “Yes”

Paul’s 14 Epistles, a survey

Paul’s Mission Board Application

Paul’s Salvation, 3 accounts

Paul’s sermons, all

Paul’s prayers for his churches (27 chapters)

Paul’s Riots or Near-riots, 10X

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

Paul’s Timeline

Phil’s List of 45 Spiritual Gifts not mentioned in the Bible

Poverty: blessings & hazards

Prayer List, 7 days

Prayer, 22X in the book of Acts

Predetermined Dedication

Prophets to Judah, dates

Psalms by their writers

QR card, Phil explains 5 promises from God

Rapture (its history through 2,000 years): a truth not made widely clear until the proper time

Read to Soften Your Heart


Remnant = Faithful Jews Only

Repentance, 2 kinds

Resurrections (a simple chart): OT & NT, saved & unsaved

Roman Catholic Baggage Adopted by the Reformers

Salvation Words in Ephesians

Saved in a Chevy, age 5

Scraps, Genesis, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, John, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, Romans, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, Galatians, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, Ephesians, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, Philippians, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, Colossians, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, I Tim, notes from the margins of my Bible

Scraps, II Timothy, from margins of my Bible

Scraps, James, notes from the margins of my Bible

Seder Meal [simple] you can print and celebrate with family, in triplicate

Separation: from whom? and Why?

Set-up Technique

Spain & Illyricum (Albania): Did Paul make it there?

Spiritual gift: finding it, using it

Statement of My Faith: Phil Myers

Statement of Faith, with SCRIPTURE

Suffering: 20 mostly biblical purposes

Tabernacle model to print out

Testing God’s Faithful Servants (50 ways): Do you & I pass the test?

Thankful 100 times

I Thessalonians 5: 22 ways to prepare for the Rapture (a list)

Topical Preaching has Dangers Built-in

Translations – differences, 9pp

Trinity: 17 NT verses which clearly support

Types, Shadows, Parallels, Similitudes, Figures, Patterns & Metaphors

Ugh! I Hate Maps.

Virginity at the Wedding Altar, a note to teens

War, Taking Life Wrongfully, Part I

We Are What We Think (about)

What Do You Think of Jesus? 9 questions for my Muslim friends.